Counter Trafficking Consultant at International Organization for Migration

On Sunday, August 25th, 2013
International Organization for Migration
Call for Proposals
Vacancy Number: SVN/IOMSO/058/2013
Functional Title: Counter Trafficking Consultant
Duty Station: Garowe, Puntland.
Duration of Assignment: six months
Closing Date: 02 September 2013
1.0 Project Description:
Under the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Capacity Building for Migration Management (CBMM) programmeSince 2009, International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been implementing counter-trafficking projects in northwest and northeast zones of Somalia. 

Following the programme pillars of 4Ps (Prevention, Prosecution, Protection and Partnerships), the past projects implemented awareness raising of the general public in human trafficking, capacity building of the security sector and assistance to the Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in partnership with the police and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Somalia.

Since 2012, IOM has been focusing on the northeast zone of Somalia to provide a dedicated assistance to the Puntland authority. IOM has established an interministerial Counter-Trafficking Board to lead collective efforts of the authority to curb human trafficking and strengthened the Counter-Trafficking (CT) Unit of the police headquarters in Garowe. 
Furthermore, a protection group of NGOs has been formulated to provide comprehensive assistance to VoTs under the co-ordination role of Ministry of Women Development and Social Affairs. 
The assistance requires depend on the circumstances of VoTs but usually includes the basic needs such as food and clothing, temporary shelter, medical and psychosocial assistance as well as family tracing and reunification. With the majority of VoTs being children, at times survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), there is a strong need for a referral process for VoTs among the actors concerned. 
The process should assist the Puntland authority and the NGOs involves being able to identify the immediate and long-term needs of VoTs according to the gender, age and his/her specific protection concerns and provide timely support. 
Additionally, the process should ensure procedures and adequate documentation to ensure the consent of the VoTs and employ appropriate mechanisms to protect confidentiality.
This consultancy therefore focuses on fine-tuning the draft referral process and facilitating training for Puntland authority and the NGOs.

2.0 General Functions:

Under the overall supervision of IOM Somalia Chief of Mission and direct technical supervision of Project Manager – CBMM/CT in co-ordination with and support from the IOM Garowe and Bossaso Offices, the consultant is responsible for the following duties and tasks. 
In consultation with Project Manager – CBMM/CT, the consultant may be required to conduct follow-up visits to Mogadishu or other locations of Somalia outside Northwest zone provided security situation allows.

At the beginning of this consultancy, the consultant is required to finalize an assessment framework for and work schedule in consultation with Project Manager – CBMM/CT.
1) Fine tune a referral process for VoTs by;
a. Assessing the current referral process, or flow of information, related to VoTs among the CT Board and the protection group of NGOs involved in order to identify areas of improvement such as types of services required but unavailable at the present and the manner in which the protection group is
b. Contacting the Protection Cluster of other zones and identifying prospective institutions – Somali authorities, NGOs, United Nations Agencies or other international organizations – which may be able to fill in the gap in service delivery;
c. Reviewing the documentation currently used, such as IOM VoT screening form and other registration forms that may be used by NGO counterparts, in order to clarify the need of data/information required for subsequent identification and provision of assistance required while ensuring documented consent of VoTs in information disclosure and receipt of assistance.
d. Identifying an appropriate mechanisms with which sufficient documentation can be ensured for VoTs who are minors or illiterate;
e. Based on the above assessments, review the existing draft referral process and revise, with suggested formats drafted as annexes.
2) Plan, prepare and facilitate training of the Puntland CT Board and the protection group in a referral process for VoTs and other associated topics such as interviewing skills, protection principles, child protection and gender issues.
3) At the request of IOM Somalia, attend relevant clusters (e.g., Protection Cluster) and meetings with other actors (UN, Somali authorities, NGOs) for CT activities.
4) At the request of IOM Somalia, report the progress and presentation of the deliverables at IOM Somalia Office in Nairobi.
5) Assist IOM Somalia in internal and external reports on CT and proposal development in irregular migration as required.
6) Provide day-to-day technical assistance to National Officer-CT in Garowe.
Documents listed below should be submitted to Project Manager – CBMM/CT in both hard copies and electronic copies. At the beginning of consultancy, the consultant is expected to confirm the timeframe of submission of the below deliverables.
  1. An assessment framework
  2. Work schedule
  3. An assessment report on the current referral process for VoTs, identifying the gaps in service provision, documentation and other areas of improvement with tangible, practical recommendations as well as a list of NGOs as prospective partners to IOM in protection of VoTs.
  4. A documented referral process clarifying the flow of information and templates to be used among the actors concerned with consideration towards confidentiality, documented consent of VoTs and agreement between actors for necessary referral.
  5. Plans for training in referral process for VoTs: participants list, agenda, budgets, presentations and hand outs.
  6. Facilitation of training in a referral process for VoTs
  7. Report on training with annexes of an actual participant list, agenda, presentations and other resource materials used for the training.
  8. Minutes of key meetings held with the counterparts.
  9. A consultancy report summarising the activities, deliverables and recommendations to IOM Somalia in CT activities.
Education and Experience
  1. A minimum of five years of experiences in management of programs related to irregular migration (trafficking in and smuggling of humans) or Protection/Child Protection.
  2. Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in Social Work, Development Studies, Law with specialization in international human rights law.
  3. Experiences in structurally formulating and conducting an assessment, with skills in organising a group focus discussion with people of different language and cultures.
  4. Experiences in planning and facilitating training.
  5. Demonstrated experiences in producing quality reports in English language.
  1. Previous experience in working in Somalia.
  2. Familiarity with the current political and security environments in Somalia.
  3. Understanding in Somali language.
Other Information
1) The consultant is required to undergo SSAFE training in Nairobi, Kenya, and strictly observe the security guidelines prescribed to the United Nations in Somalia during the consultancy.
2) While primary duty station will be in Garowe, the consultant may be required to travel to other locations in Somalia, provided that security clearance is granted.
3) IOM will be responsible for and cover the cost for the following:
a. Travel cost of a return trip from the consultant’s country of residence and Nairobi, Kenya.
b. Travel cost of official travels between Nairobi, Kenya and Somalia as well as within Somalia as required;
c. Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) outside the duty station.
d. SSAFE training fees;
e. Accommodation in Nairobi at the initial and end phase of the consultancy;
f. Accommodation in the duty station;
g. Issuance of communication equipment as per the security guideline of the UNDSS
  • Required: English
  • Advantage:, Somali
Method of Application:
Interested candidates should submit CV and a cover letter indicating the Vacancy Notice Number, with three professional references and contacts (email or telephone) to the:
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Mission in Somalia, Nairobi Office
Human Resources Department
Gitanga Groove, off Gitanga Road
P.O. Box 1810 – 00606
Send by email to:
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
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