Lecturer, Accountant, HR Assistant, Marketers and Tutors at Embu College

On Wednesday, April 16th, 2014
Embu College is a fastest TVET and Teacher training Institution with student population over 2000 and over 100 staff establishment.
We urgently need to recruit fulltime staff in the following positions:
1. Lecturer – History, Religious Studies, Literature, Linguistics, Law, ICT, Mathematics and Kiswahili
2. Accountant
3. Administration and Human Resource Assistant
4. Student Recruitment Officers / Marketers
5. P1 and DTE Tutors


  • Must have a minimum of 3 years teaching experience
  • Masters Degree in relevant area.
  • Must have minimum of CPA section 6,
  • Bachelors degree and
  • 4 years experience in Accounting / finance 
Administration and Human Resource Assistant
  • Bachelors degree in related field
  • • years experience in human Resource and Administration responsibilities
P1 and DTE Tutors
  • Tutors must have minimum of 1st degree and 5 years teaching experience of respective curriculum
Student Recruitment Officer / Marketer
  • Minimum of a diploma in Business Communication in related field
  • 3 years working experience.

Applications with relevant attachments should reach the undersigned by 25th April 2014.

The Principal
Embu College
P O Box 956 – 60100, 

Email: embucollege@yahoo.co.uk or info@embucollege.ac.ke
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