Developer Jobs at FrontlineSMS

On Monday, September 17th, 2012

Vacancies: 1
Location: Bishop Magua Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Deadline: 09 Oct, 2012

  1. import java.*
  2. import groovy.*
  3. import css
  4. import javascript.jQuery
  6. if(!candidate.ambitious)thrownewInterviewFailedException()
  8. def requirements =newTestRunner(Requirements).run()
  9. if(!requirements.passed)thrownewInterviewFailedException()
  11. println “Suitable candidate identified.”
  12. println “(Bonus points: ${calculateBonusPoints()})”
  13. println “Please apply for job immediately.”
  15. classRequirements{
  16. @Test
  17. void“candidate should have programming experience”(){
  18. assert programming in candidate.experience
  19. }
  21. @Test
  22. void“candidate should like writing good code”(){
  23. assert[OOP, TDD,“clean code”].every {
  24. it in candidate.interests
  25. }
  26. }
  27. @Test
  28. void“candidate should be interested in JVM languages”(){
  29. assert[groovy, scala, jruby].inject(0){ lang, t ->
  30. t + candidate.interests.lang
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }
  35. classFrontlineSMS{
  36. def about =”’
  37. FrontlineSMS is a desktop program that allows you to use your modem
  38. to send, receive and manage SMS over a mobile network. We are a
  39. global team of 15 with offices in the US, UK, and Kenya. Our
  40. software is free and open source and used by non-profits and others
  41. worldwide to communicate with people via SMS. We are looking to
  42. expand our developer team for new projects working on mobile
  43. payments, cloud based versions of the software and a variety of
  44. other applications from education to media to open government.
  45. ”’
  46. def methodology = agile * xp * scrum
  47. def sourceControl = git
  48. def frameworks = grails, jQuery
  50. def devTeam =[‘Alex’,‘Geoffrey’,‘Vaneyck’,‘Sitati’]
  51. def location =‘Nairobi’
  53. def contact =[
  55. web:‘’
  56. ]
  57. }
  59. def calculateBonusPoints(){
  60. def bonusPoints
  62. // front-end experience desirable
  63. [css, javascript, jQuery].each {
  64. if(candidate.experience.contains(it))
  65. ++bonusPoints
  66. }
  68. // interest in ICT4D desirable
  69. if(‘ICT4D’in candidate.interests)
  70. ++bonusPoints
  71. }
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